Visiting Limerick and worried about valeting services? Fret not, we’ve got you covered. Crystal Valet offers reliable valeting services in Limerick and caters to all kinds of clients.
Being the third-most populous urban area in the state, Limerick can be crowded and busy. You want a valet service that can take care of your vehicle while you tend to other tasks and we can do just that.
We are located at the central location just off O'Connell Street close to the bustling Cruise's St pedestrianised area. You will find us on level 0 of Cruise's St car park with the tools and expertise you expect from the best valet service in Limerick.
Our rates are affordable and we believe in going the extra mile to keep our clients happy. You can drop your vehicle when you visit nearby or book an appointment online and have our team collect your car from your home or office.
We’ll perform the required tasks and send you a neat and shiny car that you’ll be proud of. Give us a call today to discuss and learn more about Crystal Valet.